Home Visits

In certain instances, physiotherapy rehabilitation may be better provided in your home or care home. We are able to provide community visits if clients are either unable to attend the clinic, or if the therapist needs to observe and help you in your own environment.

This might be appropriate in the following circumstances for example;

Joint replacements

An individual may have been discharged home from hospital after joint replacement surgery but is yet to walk outside or drive. They might still need to use a walking aid and need some help with strengthening and balance exercises to progress safely onto the next stage.

Poor balance or mobility

An individual may have developed poor balance or impaired mobility or might be starting to struggle to stand up on their own. They might struggle to walk around – with or without mobility aids. Physiotherapy advice, guidance and safe encouragement of the right exercises to do at home or walking aid may maintain an individual’s independence for longer. Ideally, risk of falling may be eliminated before someone may hurt themselves in any fall or slip.


An individual may have had a fall at home and might have lost their confidence. A physiotherapist can explore the reasons for falling and assess the home environment for potential hazards – as well as assessing the individual for any personal areas of weakness or impaired balance that can then often be treated with exercises and mobility practice. Treatment may also include strategies to deal with a fall. This could help a carer to assist someone who is falling to reach the ground without minimal or no injury. Or the therapist might teach how to get up after a fall – or how to summon help.


Neurological Conditions

Our specialist neurophysiotherapy team can help adults with conditions such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinsons Disease. Treatment can help with posture, muscle tone, sensation, strength, stiffness, comfort, coordination, balance and mobility. Our highly experienced team are very skilled in establishing appropriate treatment plans for each individual and closely monitoring progress with a view to establishing and maximising potential and ability. Neurological physiotherapy is often done in someone’s home or care setting in close liaison with family members or care staff. However, our neurophysiotherapist also have the option of seeing clients in clinic.

Functional activities

There is often no better place to safely practice walking, stairs, getting in and out of baths or showers, or accessing your garden or drive or car… than in your actual home. Sometimes it just needs supervised practice and some useful ideas and tips. A physiotherapy home visit may also give rise to recommendation for simple modifications or specialised equipment that could make life easier or safer.

Contact us to discuss your individual circumstances.  We also help at care homes so feel free to get in touch if this applies to you and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.